• AtlasDaughters was inspired by the philosophy that “seeing is believing,” and that while learning journeys are critically important for moving catalytic capital into organizational work, they are administratively burdensome for nonprofits to facilitate. AtlasDaughters was born to bridge these connections and create an opportunity to move significant capital into the hands of women who are leading innovative solutions for planetary health. We invite philanthropists and the philanthropy-curious to embrace the opportunity to align your values and interests with these specific programs in which you can become intimately familiar and that together, we can develop a collective giving opportunity to further the work.

    These journeys will give you unprecedented access to fully vetted nonprofit organizational work, and innovative solutions to challenges that are led by and for women. Our team has thoughtfully curated itineraries that balance field visits and cause-related education, with adventurous excursions that allow you to experience the beauty of what each location offers.

    AtlasDaughters exists to enable these experiences for you and your daughter, so that together we can grow a tribe of tomorrow's leaders, as we truly believe they are never too young to embrace their global citizenship and become leaders for change.

  • AtlasDaughters partners with nonprofit organizations that bring innovative solutions to critical global issues affecting women and girls. Our nonprofit partners must meet selective criteria to become a host partner that include (but are not limited to):

    • Programming that is carried out by and for women

    • Possess a strategy for long term program sustainability

    • Has received government support for the program

    • Have the resources to host AtlasDaughters on field visits without representing a burden to the program

    • Utilize human centered design to develop programming collaboratively with the people and communities they aim to support

    • Future funding opportunities for donors to sponsor

    • Operate in locations that will be safe and enjoyable for program participants

  • Giving isn't mandatory, but we're looking for travelers who want philanthropy to be a core part of their family identity and it's our goal as an organization to move $1 Million of new capital to our nonprofit partners per trip cohort.

    Our objective is to create an incredibly memorable experience where, among many other journey benefits, both mother and daughter emerge knowledgeable about the challenge/solution addressed, empowered to become advocates, and inspired to invest in the work. We have seen firsthand how powerful it is when women work together to collaboratively identify opportunities for impact, and feel their investments are de-risked when giving circles can tangibly sponsor projects. Our hope is that AtlasDaughters participants feel moved to sponsor their own philanthropic contributions to our partners, in partnership with the AtlasDaughters objective to move $1 Million in capital per cohort, which they may do directly following the trip. AtlasDaughters does not direct program fees or grants to our nonprofit partners.

    While we understand giving capacity and interest vary across donors and therefore the grant size is at each donor’s discretion, trip participants should have a history of, and feel comfortable with six-figure investments in non-profit work.

  • We have a lot of work to do to close the gender gap, both on the giving and the beneficiary side of philanthropy. According to the women and girls index, in the US alone, women and girl-based services and programming receive less than 2% of all philanthropic dollars. While women are nearly on par with men in terms of their giving, they only represent 10% of ultra-high net-worth individuals, those most likely to invest meaningful capital into philanthropy. McKinsey’s research poses that by 2030, women will inherit over $30 Trillion from Baby Boomers in what they call the “Great Wealth Transfer,” marking a significant shift in wealth management, in which philanthropy plays a part, into female decision-makers control.

    The United Nations has identified “Girls Equality and Women’s Empowerment” as goal #5 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, which reflects a global commitment to lessening the gender gap across nearly every facet of society. Women play a crucial role in the leadership and development across all areas of sustainable global development. While everyone plays a role in global philanthropy, AtlasDaughters is unique and intentional in its purpose to develop a sense of confidence and leadership amongst girls so they can begin to see themselves as agents of change in societies where disparities in gender leadership remain prominent. The programming provided on our journeys aims to instill empowerment in a safe space, while also providing a unique opportunity for our participants to also connect with women who are leading powerful solutions to challenges that also affect women and girls.

    Further, the mother-daughter relationship, while incredibly special, can become quite complex over the years. The AtlasDaughters journeys are thoughtfully designed to create moments between mothers and their daughters that forge unbreakable bonds they will remember forever, and with a greater purpose. The journey itineraries include unforgettable experiences, and also thought-provoking exercises intended to bring the pairs together through identifying shared values, workshopping, gratitude, reflections, and shared learning experiences they can then take home together to further their philanthropy in partnership.

  • AtlasDaughters is designed for mothers and daughters, and that includes multi-generational relationships! We gladly welcome grandmothers and their granddaughters, in addition to grandmothers, their daughters and their granddaughters. Our founder was inspired by a trip she took with her mother and daughter and it as a beautiful and impactful experience for all three of them!

  • The modalities were created to provide a framework for what will be experienced throughout the journey. Each piece of the programming was thoughtfully designed into curated itineraries that balance field visits and cause-related education, with adventurous excursions that allow you to experience the beauty of what each location offers.

  • AtlasDaughters is an organization that considers diversity, equity, and inclusion as essential to the impact that we catalyze. We welcome mothers and their children who identify as female, regardless of their assigned gender at birth. We acknowledge and value the intersections of race/ethnicity, gender identity and expression, class, sexual orientation, ability, age, national origin, and religious/spiritual identities. AtlasDaughters also welcomes journey participants who identify as non-binary or gender non-conforming and want to be in a female-identified environment, with an emphasis on creating a sustainable impact for women and girls globally.

  • Most of our journeys will consist of a small group of six mother-daughter duos and 2-3 hosts. The small group size allows for strong bonding in a safe space with other trip participants, access to smaller, boutique accommodations and the intimacy of off-the-path experiences. Additionally, the smaller group size allows us to get to become familiarized with each participants' objectives and interests, so that we are able to tailor some of the programming for each cohort.

  • AtlasDaughters journeys are designed to be a deeply enriching and educational experience for daughters and their mothers alike. While there are many service-related travel experiences out there, our journeys do not operate as boondoggles, but rather extensions of the traditional academic setting into the “global classroom.” The programming on our journeys has educational value on real-world challenges and solutions. Our programming has been co-developed by leaders in the philanthropy and girls' leadership space and adapted by distant learning professionals. With that intent in mind, the journeys do intentionally take place during the academic year, with an additional objective of empowering the girls to report back to their classrooms, on what they experienced and learned throughout their journey.

    • Introduction to a fully vetted nonprofit that meets strict criteria

    • A beautiful experience that's fun, enriching, educational, and fully planned and executed by our team. All you have to do is book your flights

    • Unique opportunity to intensely bond with your daughters outside of everyday life

    • Framework for introducing daughter to philanthropic responsibility

    • Direct relationship-building and in-the-field experience with a nonprofit host

    • Friendships with like-minded women

    • Experience of a lifetime

    • Digital detox for self and daughter

    • Beautiful, post-trip leather-bound album detailing trip activities, learnings, and photographs

    • 1:1 time with your mother outside of everyday life

    • Digital detox

    • Development of and experience with in-the-field learning

    • Connection with in-country peers. "Day in the life" of spending the day with a girl your age to experience what her life is like

    • Once in a lifetime access and opportunity to learn about another culture

    • Lifelong friendships with girls in other geographies

    • Beautiful, in-trip journal to memorialize daily experiences and document reflections and gratitudes

    • Independence and leadership skills

    • Preparation for post-trip school or class presentation

    • Enhanced confidence, travel experience, and lifelong memories

    • Potential to unlock philanthropic capital and expand network

    • Develop framework for in-house learning journeys for your donors

    • Demonstrate gratitude for in-country employees and partners to showcase their work

    • Staff development

    • Harness participant questions and curiosities into marketing and program development

    • Nonprofit travel expenses underwritten by program tuition

  • These trips are designed for mothers and their daughters only, as a unique opportunity for deep bonding. That being said, there will be opportunities within the itinerary for mothers to have some downtime while the girls have their own programming. Should you or your daughter have any personal accommodations needs, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate. If you have more than one daughter you would like to bring on the trip, we will do our best to accommodate the three of you for an additional fee, so long as there is availability on the journey.

  • The AtlasDaughters programming has been specifically developed for the age range indicated on the various journeys provided, starting at age 8.