Our mission

AtlasDaughters cultivates transformative mother-daughter journeys to fuel philanthropy in innovative nonprofit work, inspiring giving and empowering girls to be the next generation change agents.

AtlasDaughters provides thoughtfully curated mother-daughter journeys, with the primary mission to drive investment into innovative nonprofit work that brings novel approaches to global challenges affecting human and planetary health. Trips for funders to see their impact first-hand (usually called "donor trips" or "learning journeys") are one of the most successful ways for nonprofits to secure new or additional funding, particularly when 80% of funding comes from 20% of donors. These excursions are hugely burdensome on local organizations. They are cost intensive, time intensive, and divert these talented teams away from their mission-critical work.

Nonprofit leaders shouldn't be trip curators, which is where we come in. AtlasDaughters knows how to bridge connections and capital. Our objective is to inspire and unlock $1 Million of new philanthropic funding from each trip cohort because we know this generation of mothers and daughters are ready to play big. When AtlasDaughters journey cohorts are inspired by the work they experience, they enable a powerful collaborative giving circle that can fund the next project, which is a catalytic event not only for the nonprofit, but also for the country that serves as the beneficiary. 

Through our unique approach, AtlasDaughters is dedicated to teaching the next generation of philanthropists and ensuring everyone has a spectacular experience along the way. We believe in you, your daughters, and our collective power to drive significant impact with the next generation of change agents, and for families and communities around the world.

“When mothers and daughters join together to meet this moment of critical need, there is no stopping us and the impact we will create.”

Amy Dornbusch
Founder of AtlasDaughters

We believe in you, your daughters, and our collective power to drive significant impact with the next generation of change agents, and for families and communities around the world.